HTA Review Options Paper feedback
Submission to Australian Government HTA Review on its options paper for reform of health technology assessment in Australia. Own comments.
February 2024
This submission makes some comments on the Options Paper released by the Australian Government's HTA Review. The Review is examining options for reforming the way the Australian Government uses health technnology assessement to assess the value of medicines and vaccines funded by the Government through programs such as the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and the National Immunisation Program. The submission, independently prepared by Shawview Consulting, is not a comprehensive, complete review of all issues covered in the Options Paper, but rather some initial thoughts on several key issues.
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry – India and AMR: Stakeholder Analysis and
Possible Solutions
Report by Siddhartha Prakash and Nitin Verma for the European Union. Supported by Shawview Consulting
November 2023
This report surveys the political economy of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the environment in India based on stakeholder surveys and analysis of global and national policies, trends and monitoring solutions. It specifically addresses the contribution of untreated pharmaceutical manufacturing waste to the spread of AMR. The report was prepared by consultants Siddhartha Prakash and Nitin Verma for the European Union. The report was launched in April 2023 with in-kind support from Shawview Consulting at a national stakeholder workshop on AMR in Delhi, India, organised by the EU and Swedish embassies in partnership with the Stockholm International Water Institute, Shawview Consulting, Spans Envirotech and the Responsible Antibiotics Manufacturing Platform (RAMP). The views expressed in this report are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of Shawview Consulting or the European Union.
Managing, Measuring, Mitigating – Gaining a One Health perspective on removing antimicrobial residues from water
Project initiated by the Minimising AMR Mission, established by CSIRO, and delivered with the support of the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, the SAAFE CRC, and AAMRNet.
October 2023
This white paper synthesises the results of discussions held during a workshop entitled Measuring, Managing, Mitigating: gaining a One Health perspective on removing antimicrobial residues from water, that took place on 14 March 2023 at the National Press Club of Australia in Canberra. The workshop was co-convened by CSIRO's Minimising AMR Mission, the Solving Antimicrobial Resistance in Agribusiness, Food and Environments Cooperative
Research Centre (SAAFE CRC), the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) and MTPConnect’s Australian Antimicrobial Resistance Network (AAMRNet). Science and Technology Australia facilitated the discussions.

The future of Aotearoa’s medicines access – fixing the funding model
Report commissioned by Johnson & Johnson New Zealand
August 2023
Report examines current access to medicines in New Zealand, reviews examples of international best practices from other countries, and identifies ways to reform the system of assessing, funding and providing medicines for the New Zealand community.
Funding innovative medicines
Report for Medicines Australia (contributing author)
May 2023
Report co-authored with Biointelect for Medicines Australia examining reform of Australia's system of funding medicines and vaccines and highlighting the urgent need for Australia to embrace a ‘once-in-a-generation’ opportunity to reform the 75-year-old Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.
No time left to wait
A discussion paper commissioned by Sanofi Australia)
November 2022
This discussion paper, commissioned by Sanofi Australia, examines the complexity and problems of funding combination treatments for multiple myeloma under Austraila's Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. The paper examines current issues and proposes potential strategies to ensure Australian multiple myeloma patients have access to a range of treatments.
Innovation policy instruments (non-price) for medical innovation
Report for World Health Organization Europe Office / Oslo Medicines Initiative (contributing author)
September 2022
This Oslo Medicines Initiative technical report presents a broad range of instruments available to national policy-makers in support of innovation for new medicines (excluding those focused on price) explores various types of policy instrument, based on reviews of the literature on policies for innovation in the medical and other sectors.
Valuing Vaccines: Ensuring Australia's access to vaccines today and tomorrow
Report commissioned by Sanofi
February 2022
Major research report looking at how Australia evaluates, funds and values vaccines, the policy and economic history of Australia's National Immunisation Program, the economic value of current and future vaccines, and lessons learned from the Covid-19 pandemic
Submission to the PBAC on the Base Case Discount Rate
Report commissioned by Medicines Australia and prepared with Biointelect.
January 2022
Medicines Australia's submission to Australia's Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee on the rationale for reducing the base case discount rate used by the PBAC to evaluate medicines and vaccines for public subsidy.